Ladybug Farm

Randy, Kelly, Andrew, Geoffrey, Sara, Skipper the dog, Ben, Luke and Sophie the cats, Sonny and Zippy the horses, a tank load of fish, 2 hamsters, a snake, a chicken coop of hens and a whole load of mink.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Counts

Everyone has been asking how I am feeling and this week I can honestly say has been GREAT. I feel wonderful with lots of energy and no symptoms (well, except for some nasty mouth sores which are chemo related). A bunch of you have been asking about my counts so I am putting them in a chart form so it should be easier to follow....

Hemoglobing- is a measurement of the oxygen being circulated by the red blood cells, if its low then you become anemic.
Platelets-help your blood to clot and slows down bleeding
White cells-there are different types of white cells but the main job is to fight infection and disease
Neutrophils-these are important as they are the "soldier" white cells that specifically fight infection

Date............Hemoglobin.....Plateletts.....White cells.....Neutrophils
normal range 120-160.........140-450.......4.0-11.0...........45%-76%

6/20.................118...................366.................7.9..............4.7 or 77%
(this was the day of chemo so pretty much everything is in normal range)

(I don't have all the figures for this round of bloodwork. My doctor called with the white cells because they were concerned because they were so low!)

21/7................ 106...................295................3.3................. .4 or 6%
(This was during a viral infection I had gotten and my neutrophils were pretty much non existant because they were working harder then they could keep up but if you notice my white cells are going up, yeehaw)

28/7...............107.....................448..............6.1....................3.4 or 56%
(this was just before my 2nd round of chemo)

8/8..................93.....................266..............1.9.....................1.8 or 30%
(everything is low again but as long as I don't get sick it should be okay! My hemoglobing continues to drop and never really bounces back so that accounts for me being so tired)

Initially my Oncologist nurse said I should keep track of this information and I thought to myself why should I care as long as my Doctor knows. Now that I am into the chemo I realize how important it is for me to know what is going on. Sometimes the info doesn't get sent to say my surgeon or family doctor and if I have it I can pass it along. It also helps me understand what they are talking about when they start throwing numbers around. So now you know what I'm talking about.


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