Ladybug Farm

Randy, Kelly, Andrew, Geoffrey, Sara, Skipper the dog, Ben, Luke and Sophie the cats, Sonny and Zippy the horses, a tank load of fish, 2 hamsters, a snake, a chicken coop of hens and a whole load of mink.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Courtney's Cupcakes

Well our snake had his first visitor today. Sharon Benson came by this morning for a visit and brought a beautiful, homemade blueberry pie (I was planning on attaching a picture but there really wasn't much of the pie left tonight, yum!, Sharon, the crust was really good). She claims she is afraid of snakes but she bravely touched it (the snake) much to the delight of Andrew and Geoffrey. You have attained a new level of respect with the boys. We had a really nice visit and cup of a mug...sorry guys. Thanks so much Sharon.

Later this evening Courtney Lohnes dropped by with some snake and ladybug cupcakes. The kids loved them. I thought they were a hoot. Only Courtney would take the time to do such elaborate decorating to honor a snake. She even got the color and markings right...see I noticed. By the way, there were alot more cupcakes on the plate but by the time I got in the house to take a picture they had mysteriously disappeared. Must of been the snake! Thanks for everything Courtney!

I have been reading the Proverbs chapters in the NIV but I felt like I was missing something. So last night I got out my KJ version and started again from chapter 1 and reread the chapters and the beauty of the scriptures really hit me. I have set myself a goal to read each chapter and find one key verse that sort of sums up the meaning of that chapter or has meaning to my life. It has been really difficult because there have been so many that I have written down and want to memorize. My favorite all time verse... a verse I have stood on over and over again in my still Proverbs 3:5-6.."Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." No matter what I faced in my life it always fit. It perfectly and clearly tells us what God expects of us...complete and utter trust in Him to quide our go to Him for guidance and direction. When I was first diagnosed I would pray and this verse would keep coming into my mind over and over again. I don't know why I got Cancer, I know it didn't come from God, but I am going to trust God that HIS WILL BE DONE no matter what the outcome. I'm not going to dwell on the whys or "whatifs" because its pointless, it doesn't make sense to me so I am going to acknowledge God in my life like I never have before and turn it all over to Him. Kathy Mollins loaned me a CD with this beautiful song and the words say, " No matter how long I am here on this earth, mold me and shape me and use me for your will." Amen!

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  • At Thu Aug 10, 07:56:00 am, Blogger Kim said…

    You are such an inspiration to me!

    That card was so perfect, if I had seen it first I would have bought it for you! Thank you!
    (Smart move, to read it later!):)

  • At Thu Aug 10, 09:32:00 am, Blogger Christy said…

    What I wonderful blog. Something to keep in mind for all of us everyday. Thank you, I needed that today!


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