Ladybug Farm

Randy, Kelly, Andrew, Geoffrey, Sara, Skipper the dog, Ben, Luke and Sophie the cats, Sonny and Zippy the horses, a tank load of fish, 2 hamsters, a snake, a chicken coop of hens and a whole load of mink.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I love Fall!!

We had a photo op on Saturday to take advantage of the beautiful fall leaves. The kids had a great time raking all the leaves into a pile and hiding in them. I had to pretend to be surprised everytime they jumped out.

Since then the wind has blown almost all of them away.

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  • At Thu Nov 02, 03:27:00 pm, Blogger Kim said…

    Gorgeous pictures!

  • At Thu Nov 02, 03:38:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm with you Kelly. Fall is my favourite season and now that the time has changed and the days are shorter, it has given me permission to hunker down for the winter and enjoy all it has to offer! My son, Sam, is absolutely jumping out of his skin with excitement because there is a "chance of flurries" this weekend!

    I'm hopeful that you are feeling better. You are a trooper and a true inspiration to us all.

    These pictures are absolutely beautiful and of course your kids are too!

    Love and hugs, Penny

  • At Thu Nov 02, 04:19:00 pm, Blogger Christy said…

    Great pictures!!! I love fall, too - we're going to get some pictures maybe tomorrow. Our leaves are a little behind yours so they're just getting into the perfect color.

  • At Thu Nov 02, 09:34:00 pm, Blogger Shannon said…

    Great pictures. I really need to take advantage of the next nice day, whenever that may be, and get some of my kids!

  • At Wed Nov 08, 08:33:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HI Kel,

    I have just been catching up on all your news, sooooo happy the chemo is over and I hope you are feeling better now. I love seeing the kids in the leaves !!! I know how your Mom feels knowing her daughter has cancer, God Bless her and you too !!!

    Love, Corinne


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