Ladybug Farm

Randy, Kelly, Andrew, Geoffrey, Sara, Skipper the dog, Ben, Luke and Sophie the cats, Sonny and Zippy the horses, a tank load of fish, 2 hamsters, a snake, a chicken coop of hens and a whole load of mink.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Self Breast Exam

I just finished reading an article about a 17 year old who had a breast removed due to breast cancer. 17!!!! While this is not the "norm" it just shows that this disease is affecting younger and younger women.

Alot of breast cancers now are estrogen driven or what they call estrogen receptive. Meaning estrogen that our body normally produces feeds these particular types of cancer. I was told that I probably had the cancer cells in my body for a long time but when I had Sara three years ago, the surge of hormones activated and feed the cells causing them to grow into the resulting tumor. So I personally feel that women during the child bearing years should be more aware of this and be checking for anything unusual.

Anne, your family doctor should be able to show you how to do a proper breast exam. He or she should also have a booklet or guide showing you how to do your own. My doc has cards that hang on your door knob (great for the bathroom) with diagrams showing you what to do step by step. Most pharmacys now have a section with free booklets on different diseases and guides for doing self breast exams. Don't forget to check your underarm, which is where my lump was, or your side down by your ribs. If you can't find anything, let me know and I would be more than happy to send you something.

Cheryl, now that you have done an exam, when is your mammogram appointment? I couldn't book one myself but once your turn 40 you don't need a doctor's referral. Just call the Valley Regional breast screening clinic and make your own appointment. It usually takes months so you have plenty of time to psych yourself up for it. I'll even go with you if you want some moral support.

Penny, I'm assuming your mammogram results were okay? Sometimes we have to push these things along. Good for you!

Hip Hip Horay for all of you doing your breast exams!!!


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