Ladybug Farm

Randy, Kelly, Andrew, Geoffrey, Sara, Skipper the dog, Ben, Luke and Sophie the cats, Sonny and Zippy the horses, a tank load of fish, 2 hamsters, a snake, a chicken coop of hens and a whole load of mink.

Monday, October 02, 2006

From the mouths of Babes!

I was tucking Sara into bed last night and was getting ready to say prayers with her. I usually start and she repeats everything after me, but tonight she wanted to say them on her own.

I won't try to repeat it word for word but she prayed to "Dear Jesus" to make her "Mommy's boobie and her band aid (over the portocath) all better" and "help the Doctor make my Mommy better". This is not something that we normally prayed together but something that came from her understanding of the situation and straight from her only 3 years old!

I needed a whole lot of kleenex when I left her room! Posted by Picasa


  • At Mon Oct 02, 09:16:00 pm, Blogger Shannon said…

    She's a sweet little girl, that's for sure.

  • At Mon Oct 02, 09:35:00 pm, Blogger Kim said…

    What a sweetheart! Great picture of her, too!

  • At Tue Oct 03, 07:55:00 pm, Blogger Jenn said…

    Aw, what a precious cutie!

  • At Tue Oct 03, 11:31:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    She is definitely a blessing from the Lord....a very sweet girl!!!! I think God knew what He was doing when He sent her to be part of your family.

  • At Wed Oct 04, 03:38:00 pm, Blogger Christy said…

    I have been out of "blogging land" for awhile and just went back and read your posts. I hope that you are continuing to feel better and stronger. You are such an encouragement to me and you help me to see things more clearly. One day we are all going to face difficulties, whether ourselves or a close family member and your insight is wonderful! You are helping and will be able to help others through all you have learned. I'm so happy to have started blogging to get to know you - can't wait to get to NS to meet you in person!

  • At Wed Oct 04, 10:18:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Kelly, you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Your darling little girl is praying for the same things that all of the people who love you and care for you are. My heart goes out to you and your family. You are a trooper and I know that if anyone can beat this thing, YOU CAN amd you will!

    Take care and I hope you are feeling better very soon.


  • At Fri Oct 06, 07:05:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When I think of you during the day, I always offer up a prayer that God will see the faith of a little child and answer her prayer!
    Love Esther

  • At Fri Oct 06, 01:20:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Kelly,
    That is probably the cutest picture I have ever seen of her! I hope everything goes good with the next chemo treatment and if you need me to come down and do anything like clean or take care of the know my number haha bye xoxoxoxoxo



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