Ladybug Farm

Randy, Kelly, Andrew, Geoffrey, Sara, Skipper the dog, Ben, Luke and Sophie the cats, Sonny and Zippy the horses, a tank load of fish, 2 hamsters, a snake, a chicken coop of hens and a whole load of mink.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Happy Birthday to Sara!!

Well, our little baby turns 3 today (7:32 pm to be precise!). The time flies by so fast. Someone reminded me on her birthday that it is only 2 years before she starts heart still races when I think about that. Before long she'll be a teenager!!!

For several weeks before her birthday she kept telling everyone she was having a pony party. While this was not what I had planned she was very persistant. She wasn't really able to tell me what a pony party entailed but she was quite sure about the pony cake. So a pony cake it was, along with pin the tail on the donkey, Polly Pocket pony, My Little pony, Barbie pony and of course, a real pony (or horse) ride with her best bud Mackenzie. She seemed thrilled with everything so I think I lived up to the pony party expectations.

We had the acutal party on Sunday after church so we will just have a quiet mini party tonight to celebrate. A friend up the road, Jean, made a beautiful Lion King cake for her for tonight. Sara thinks her birthday is one week long event as she has been getting gifts just about every day. She is heading down to her Nana's house tomorrow so the party will just continue on into the weekend!

While she may not have been planned by us, she is a true blessing from the Lord. That was definitely a time when the Lord knew better than we did what we needed in our lives. She continues to bring joy to us everyday. Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!!

A little side note: My bloodwork came back okay. Prayer works!!Kentville is a little concerned about the cold and thinks Halifax may not proceed with my chemo. Whats my favorite saying..."Don't tell God how big your mountain is, tell that mountain how big your God is." Posted by Picasa


  • At Thu Sept 28, 04:28:00 pm, Blogger Kim said…

    Happy Birthday Sara!!!!

    Mackenzie was so excited to see the picture of her and Sara on the horse! And the "pony party" was wonderful! Everything she expected, I'm sure! Ya did great!

  • At Fri Sept 29, 07:19:00 am, Blogger Shannon said…

    You've got a sweet little girl. :) I'll be praying about the chemo.

  • At Tue Oct 03, 09:58:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy Bithday Sara!
    Where does the time go! Hard to believe she 3, wow! Sounds like you did a great job on the pony party thing and she was obviously tickled pink. Hugs to you all.


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