Ladybug Farm

Randy, Kelly, Andrew, Geoffrey, Sara, Skipper the dog, Ben, Luke and Sophie the cats, Sonny and Zippy the horses, a tank load of fish, 2 hamsters, a snake, a chicken coop of hens and a whole load of mink.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

It was bound to happen!

Last week Sara came down with a cold. I was very careful to wash all of our hands constantly, not drink from the same glasses, no lip kissing, etc.

Posted by Picasa Well it didn't work. I have been fighting a sinus cold since Sunday. I had a couple of really miserable days but I think I am starting to turn the corner. I took it easy today and am feeling a little better. Those Advil liquid gels for colds are wonderful. Sara still has a bit of a runny nose but is doing great.

I go for bloodwork tomorrow so say a little prayer that my counts are not too low from fighting this cold. They usually call me within 2 hours with the results so I'll have an idea of whats going on then. I am hoping most of the symptoms will be gone by Friday as they won't do my chemo if I am sick or my counts are too low. While I don't really enjoy the chemo, I don't want it postponed. Its just putting off the inevitable.

I see the Radiation Oncologist on October 13. They will do a CAT scan and tatto the markings in preparation for the radiation treatments. I always said I would never get a tatto but I am about to get 4-7 of them on my chest area. Granted they are only the size of moles so I guess I can live with them. Maybe they could do them in the shape of a ladybug!

My good friend, Leanne, sent me a beautiful card with this scripture verse inside...

"...We can be sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." Romans 8:28



  • At Wed Sept 27, 07:28:00 pm, Blogger Seven said…

    Such a sad picture! Are you both sick, or are you just cuddling a sick Sara? I'm praying for you tonight. Seth still has a runny nose, but he's a happier boy today.

  • At Wed Sept 27, 07:48:00 pm, Blogger Kelly said…

    The picture somehow got posted before I could type anything. I thought I could go into "edit posting" and have the problem fixed before anyone found out. Guess you caught me!!

    Isn't that a pathetic picture of the two of us? Both feeling miserable and trying to console each other.

  • At Wed Sept 27, 08:29:00 pm, Blogger Tracing in the Valley said…

    prayer had commenced!


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