Ladybug Farm

Randy, Kelly, Andrew, Geoffrey, Sara, Skipper the dog, Ben, Luke and Sophie the cats, Sonny and Zippy the horses, a tank load of fish, 2 hamsters, a snake, a chicken coop of hens and a whole load of mink.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Finally, here are some photos of our spur of the moment trip to Brier Island.

This is the long trail down to see the famous Balancing Rock on Long Island.

You walk this long trail through the woods then reach these wooden stairs. There are 243 stairs down to the rocky coastline.

Notice to the left of us the long, narrow rock barely balancing on the small rock underneath it. The coastline is breathtaking and we saw a group or pod of dolphins jumping and playing just in front of us.

On Brier Island near Seal Cove the boys left their inuikshuk (sp?).

If you ever get the chance, take a trip there. There are no tourist things to do but lots of hiking trails, rocky and sandy beaches and cool things to see. The kids are planning another trip next year. Posted by Picasa


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