Ladybug Farm

Randy, Kelly, Andrew, Geoffrey, Sara, Skipper the dog, Ben, Luke and Sophie the cats, Sonny and Zippy the horses, a tank load of fish, 2 hamsters, a snake, a chicken coop of hens and a whole load of mink.

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Tree Frogs

The boys are back in school and we are getting back into the routine again. There are not many things that I hate but homework is at the very top. The first week of school and Andrew has a book report due. I'm trying to find the positive I really am!!!!

This chemo was and continues to be the most challenging. I've had a much harder time bouncing back. A week later and I am still having nausea, weakness, diarrhea, headaches.....and just an overall yucky feeling. I was told that as the chemo goes on your body sometimes has a harder time dealing with it and getting back to normal. I am determined to feel better by this weekend!!! I just have to remember that I only have two more to go. The next one will be number 5...can you believe that. When you put things in perspective you can deal with anything.

Mom and I (with a little help from the kids) picked apples in our orchard yesterday so this morning I made and preserved cinnamon apple sauce. Let me just say that I didn't need to burn any candles today...the smell in the house was devine. I am going to pick up a ham for supper sauce and baked ham, yum. Add a scalloped potato or a mac and cheese and what a way to start the weedend.

I love this photo. I took individual photos of them too and they turned out really well. I bought a long black frame a long time ago that has four openings in it just waiting for the right photos. I think these might be the ones. I just wish I had of coordinated the outfits better but this was a spur-of-the-moment-up-in-the- tree kind of photo shoot. It couldn't be more real! Posted by Picasa


  • At Sat Sept 16, 09:24:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Chick,
    Been thinking of you each day as usual. Greg said that Randy was in to the store the other day and that this round of chemo was a tough one. Hang in there girl!
    Each time I read your blog entries you continue to amaze me. I can hardly get out of my own way most days and you, after chemo and feeling yucky you muster the energy to pick apples, make apple sauce, and even cook a ham dinner. I always knew you were "super women". Your truely an inspiration to all of us.
    The picture of the kids was great, really beautiful! Don't worry about the clothes thing, it's so natural. I think it's one to frame too. Anyway girly, I'll give you a call this week one night and hope your feeling better soon.
    Hugs & Much Love,

  • At Sat Sept 16, 09:30:00 pm, Blogger Erin said…

    Don't you think it's time for a new blog Kelly? :) It was great to chat with you at the house-warming today!


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